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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lebron James has won the war, but the Cavs won the battle….at least last night.

Lebron must have thought he still played for the Cavs last night. He showed up to the arena in his own car and brought his entourage with him as well.  He even went as far as to wear a “Long Live the King” T-shirt. As Sludge said this morning on K-Fan, “If he wants to be called King, put douche bag at the end of it.” Where the story gets funny, is when he tried to pull into the arenas garage. Now, this doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I guess the NBA doesn’t allow non-home team players to park in the arena without advanced permission. Lebron was turned at first, but than was eventually let in. His entourage however, was shot down and had to pay the same $10 event parking fee as everyone else.

It’s now time for the starting line-up. “Starting at SF for the visiting heat, #5, Lebron James” Sounds normal right? Well, the thing is, he wasn’t there. Apparently he had to take a quick bathroom break. That, or he just didn’t want to hear the boo’s rain down on him. I’m going to go with the latter.

The game itself was good for the fans in Cleveland. They are having a horrible year, but this win for them is like the Twins beating the Yankees in the playoffs, no one saw it coming. I wonder if this humbled Lebron at all. I’m guessing it didn’t, but it really should have. I mean, he thought he could just come in there like he used to and got shot down. This isn’t the first time he has been back, so I don’t know if something changed. The tweet from Dan Gilbert kind of summed it up “Not in our Garage!!” Uhh, hey Dan, he did end up parking there, so please, stop trying to be Mark Cuban. You will never be him and Charlie Sheen doesn’t want to be your friend. Speaking of Charlie, that brings me to my next topic.

D.E.A.C. By now, we should all know what that stands for. If you don’t, it is Droopy Eyed Armless Children/AKA the name of our 5 on 5 basketball team. Yeah, I know, it is also one of the many things Charlie Sheen has said the last month or so. Well, we start tonight and our line-up is as follows:


All that sounds like to me is, UNDEFEATED. Well, maybe not, but we should have a pretty good team. I will let you know tomorrow how we did.

Don’t think I forgot about “the hot girl of the day”

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