
Make sure to check out the the weekly poll. Feel free to answer. If you have a poll you would like to me to put up, just shoot me an email. Also, make sure to check out my Blog list on the right. Myself and Mr. Duke have started a great project called Sportstearsinourbeers. There will be lots of post and podcast coming soon. Thanks for checking us out. Feel free to follow us and we will follow you!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It’s Thursday! Ok, more like Tuesday, but Thursday sounds better than Wednesday.

Yeah, I ripped off the “Common Man” from K-Fan there, but that is ok, he is used to people stealing his material by now. So, what does everyone have going on this week? I see that there has been an increase in readers of the blog, love it. What I’m hoping will happen now is you guys giving me some feedback. I’m always ready to hear whatever it is you guys have to say. Be it good, or bad. I want to make my site and my combined site with Mr. Duke http://sportstearsinourbeers.blogspot.com/ as user friendly as possible. So, for this blog, you can email ksmi136@yahoo.com and if you want to contact the S.T.O.B crew, you can email sportstearsinourbeers@yahoo.com This is a good way for you and us, to interact and have a good time. If you have any topics you would like us to write/podcast about, let us know. If you have a beer that you think is the best and we should try it while podcasting, let us know. Don’t worry, we won’t steal your ideas, you will get full credit for any topic we use and you can even send in a picture of yourself that we will post next to the topic. So please, visit one, two or all 3 of the blogs and share with us, while we share with you. Also, if anyone has any good band recommendations, please share those with us as well. Just remember, it can be about anything, doesn’t have to be just about sports. Mr. Duke and I hope to hear from you guys soon and have a great day. Also, shout out to all the people in India that seem to be reading the blog. Thanks, that is really cool of you guys…or girls out there.

On a side note, I have come up with a prescription for any day of the week. It is the new, “hot girl of the day”. Here is today’s picture.

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